Bridget began to move-her head turned, her tail curled. Bridget grew bigger and bigger.One day, a big box from his uncle came in the mail for Zack. When he opened the box, there is an alligator key chain. He soaked the alligator key chain named Bridget. After that, she grew larger and larger. First, he cooked meal for her, and she ate it saying "I have never eaten anything like that before." After she finished eating, they went out. Then, they had many things, she was wrestling with the garden hose, bit the tire of the truck, played in the park, ride merry-go-around, met his best friends Turk and so on. On the way home, she was shrinking smaller and smaller. When they got back home, she turned key chain size, and they did one promise.
Bridget is a alligator key chain, but if she is saoked water, she become real alligator. This is interesting. What's more, Zack and Bridget become good friends. I found they are getting along with and they seem very happy. Last scene which they have to say goodbye is sadly and they seem very unhappy. Even so, they promise to see each other again. This book is happily story and little sad story, but very heartwarming story too.
214 words
Bridged: ブリジット《女の名》
faucet: (水道・たるの)飲み口,蛇口,栓,コック slug
wobble: ぐらぐらする
growl: うなる
hiss: シューッという音を立てる
glade: 森林の中の空き地
dizzy: 〈人が〉目が回る; めまいがする; ふらふらする
leash: (犬などをつないでおく)革ひも[鎖]
Everglade: 湿地,沼沢地
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