"The sky is falling!" cried Chicken Licken.

One day, Chicken Licken went to the woods, and he stopped by an oak tree. Suddenly, a tiny acorn dropped from the tree and hit his head. He didn't see the acorn, so he thought what was that. When he looked up at the sky, he thought "The sky must be falling." Then, he thought "I must tell the King", so he rushed back to the farmyard to the king. He met many his friends on his way to the King, and he told his happening and his thought to them. All of his friends believed his thought except fox Foxy Loxy. Foxy Loxy didn't think the sky was falling, but he thought of good idea, but it was bad idea for Chicken Locken and his friends.
As Chicken Licken made a mistake that not acorn but the sky fell on his head, his friends were deceived and involved dangerous happening by Foxy Loxy. I think it is important to check whether it is right or not.
174 words
oak: オーク(
acorn: どんぐり
pond: 池
, 沼
, 貯水池
, 泉水(普通
さく pool
barn: 農家
; 牛
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