In this story, Father Mouse and Mother Mouse find the best, most powerful husband in the world for their daughter, Miss Mouse. They go on a journey to find the man. They asked "You are more powerful than anyone else in the world..." to four mens they think he is the best husband. However, all of them don't answer "Yes". Father Mouse really wants his daughter to marry the most powerful husband, so what they do then?You are more powerful than anyone else in the world...
It is fun for me to read this book. I can read the book next page to next page thinking who is next?. I'm happy that this story finish happy end. I like this story.
122 words
crumb: パン・ケーキなどの)かけら,くず;パン粉.
nibble: 少しずつかじる[食いちぎる];(…を)かじって食べる
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