
Food/Eating Habit

          I eat breakfast every morning and I eat more bread than rice for breakfast. This is habit when I was young, so I like bread better. In university, I eat bento made by my mother for lunch. She make lunch for me every morning I go to university. For dinner, I have two habit. When I have part time job, I buy dinner at convenience store and eat it in my part time job's waiting room, but I feel lonely and sad, but there is nothing for it. However, when I don't have part time job, I have dinner with my family. It is very warm, and I don't feel lonely.
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Golden Week Plan

          I have two Golden Week's plan. One of my Golden Week's plan is to meet my friends from my high school. One of my friends lives in Kagoshima to go to university now. She come back to Kumamoto in Golden Week, so some friends live in Kumamoto and I plan to meet her at KGU, go to our high school. After that, we will go to having dinner together at downtown. The other Golden Week's plan is to watch movie with my friend in KGU. We are planning to watch "Terumae Romae".
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Chicken Licken

"The sky is falling!" cried Chicken Licken.
          One day, Chicken Licken went to the woods, and he stopped by an oak tree. Suddenly, a tiny acorn dropped from the tree and hit his head. He didn't see the acorn, so he thought what was that. When he looked up at the sky, he thought "The sky must be falling." Then, he thought "I must tell the King", so he rushed back to the farmyard to the king. He met many his friends on his way to the King, and he told his happening and his thought to them. All of his friends believed his thought except fox Foxy Loxy. Foxy Loxy didn't think the sky was falling, but he thought of good idea, but it was bad idea for Chicken Locken and his friends.
          As Chicken Licken made a mistake that not acorn but the sky fell on his head, his friends were deceived and involved dangerous happening by Foxy Loxy. I think it is important to check whether it is right or not.
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oak: オーク(ナラ・カシなどブナ科コナラ属総称)
acorn: どんぐり
pond: 池貯水池泉水(普通 lake より小さく pool より大きい) 
barn: 農家の)納屋物置[](の飼料)小屋.

My hobbies

          My hobby is listening music and walking. First, I like to listen to the music, so I often listen many genre of songs. I usually listen my favorite musician's songs, but sometimes I search new song or musician I don't know by using internet or YouTube. Then, if I find song or musician I like, I rent their CD, and I listen to their songs. Next I like to walking, too. When I have free time after school, I go to downtown and walk around there I haven't gone to the street yet. Then, if I find new street I like, I walk there next time.
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Music I like

          I like music, so my hobby is listening music. My favorite music's genre is Japanese rock. There are many Japanese rock bands in Japan. For example, ONE OK ROCK, androp, sakanaction, and go on. However, I like BUMP OF CHICKEN the best. They are four people group, vocal, guitar, bass and drums. They are famous for "Tentai kansoku". When I was sixteen years old, I knew them. I listened to one of their songs "Hana no na". After that, I listened the song and their other songs. I like them very much. These days, I listen to the Beatles' songs and ONE DIRECTION's songs. I listen to their songs every day. I want to be able to listen to the English songs and listen more their music.
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My club activity in junior high school

          When I was junior high school student, I belong to soft tennis club because I was interesting in it when I saw students playing it. I practice playing soft tennis every after school with same club member. It was hard to practice, but it was fun to play soft tennis with same club members. however, we joined the games, we couldn't win, even if we could win only few games.  Nevertheless, we didn't give up practicing soft tennis, and we love it. It was fun club activity.
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My part time job

          I have a part time job, and I teach junior high school students English and math at juku. I started this part time job about 10 month ago because My dream is an English teacher, so I want to experience to teach English. Teaching was difficult at the first time, but now I can teach better than before. In addition, I am good at talking with my students more than before. I feel I grew up to experience to teach English and other things to junior high school students at juku.
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My dream

          I want to be an English teacher. I have wanted to be a teacher since I was young, but I didn't decided what kind of teacher I want to be. However, when I learned English for the first time in junior high school, I had interest in English. And then, it is fun to learn and study English, and I was good at English, so I decided that I want to be an English teacher.
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This year's goal

          I will study English harder this year than last year. Last year, I didn't study English well, but this year, I decided to study English hard. First, I decide to some goal to study English. For example, what to do to improve my TOEIC score and TOEFL score.
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My spring vacation

          I almost spent my spring vacation to prepare to move my house and work my part time job. My family decided to move our house in March, so my family and I prepared to move in February. It was difficult to put in many clothes, books, dishes and go on. In addition, we had to buy table and chairs to have breakfast, lunch and dinner.
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